My Journal

My Journal



Oil, acrylic, pouring mediums and ink on canvas.

"My Journal" is a piece that I poured myself into, it is very personal and quite literally a journal. I was a competitive soccer player and I was battling with my love/hate relationship for the sport and all the emotional/mental trauma it had caused me throughout my career. At this time, I was also lost in an abusive relationship and unsure where I was mentally and what to do. I used this piece as my personal journal, to decompose my current mental state.

I did not plan what I was going to write, I just started writing and everything just came to the surface. Towards the end, I wanted a way to cover up my words and cover my truths to the world. But I still wanted people to recognize certain words and understand that the painting did contain writing. So therefore came the idea to somewhat cover things up and pour down the canvas.

To the public, this may seem like a puzzle and you cant decipher what it says, and you are right. But what do you think the words say? Maybe they turn into your own words, may they turn into your own journal and truths?

This original is still available-please contact for further purchasing information.

Fine Art Paper & Canvas Sizing

Medium: 36"x 18"

Large: 48"x 24"

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